Experience the pinnacle of new & pre-owned luxury caravans at Cadillac Caravans. Our commitment to providing unbeatable prices and immaculately presented caravans sets us apart. Each caravan is thoroughly inspected and cleaned to meet our high standards, ensuring you drive away with a vehicle that's both affordable and top quality. Discover the luxury of caravanning without the luxury price tag with Cadillac Caravans & Cadillac RV.
Our business model is simple. We sell a wide variety of quality pre-loved caravans at below-market prices. Hence, the average turnover time for a van from wheels in to out, is 2-3 days. It's a first in, first grabs arrangement.
Click on the link below or email cadillaccaravans@gmail.com for the next available inspection at our Inspection Point at Epping in Victoria.
Click here to make an inspection appointment now